While Enterprises are keen to understand what's on Cloud, and being heavily debated on what the Cloud can offer vs. Conventional, adoption is just beginning. Let's discuss what’s best today and the focus going forward.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Compelling reasons for Enterprises to adopt cloud computing
Enterprise IT is hunting innovative ideas to be a part of their strategy to be responsive to business to stay competitive. Over the last decade business expectations has been increasing multifold without exponential increase in the IT budget. The economic downturn has now started putting pressure on top of this to do more for less and fast. Time to value for each dollar spends along with the initial Capex and Opex is being a measure on all IT initiatives across Enterprises. Conventional ways of optimizing the existing IT systems and teams are hitting the threshold and it’s time for new innovative ways to build and deploy IT infrastructure and applications across enterprises.
Cloud computing is clearly emerging as the alternate way for a faster cost-effective and scalable way of changing IT to respond to the business needs. For those enterprise who are still considering the adoption let’s look at 3 most compelling reasons on how cloud computing can help them transform their IT.
1. Flexible pricing models – Buy versus Build.
2. Faster Time to Market
3. Take advantage of the latest technology
The flexibility in pricing models provided by the cloud computing vendors really stands out as one of the biggest reasons for enterprises to think about adoption. With the subscription based pricing models enterprises have the flexibility of starting new transformational projects with zero capital investments. These also provide options to start slow (to be risk averse) and then scale instantly or gradually based on the business needs. You have the options of winding up some of the initiatives without incurring the financial risk on the large capital investments for technology and infrastructure which you might have incurred if you were to build.
Faster time to market always keeps you ahead of the competition. The delays induced into the traditional project development lifecycle can be significantly reduced by adopting the various delivery options of cloud computing. Deploying applications across the globe is now as easy as scaling up the applications. There are wide varieties of options to get pre built application / platform / Infrastructure environments with service levels defined based on your business criticality requirements. The actual development time now can get reduced to define/customize the business logic / Data modeling and User interface.
Platform and OS sunset has been worrying the enterprises which eats up a lot of IT budget in terms of maintenance and support. The cloud computing environment takes advantage of the latest and greatest technology foundation where flexibility is built into automatic upgrades of layers without any impact, to quickly adapt to the latest technology shifts or roadmaps. The options of a subscription model to platforms and technology really takes away this burden from enterprises and helps them to focus on building application functionality to delivery more business value and leave the operations, maintenance, support upgrade etc to the cloud computing vendors.
Today’s market is highly dynamic and demands greater flexibility and agility being build into the Enterprise IT environment to support.